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Magical Park!

The Award Winning Game that gets Kids Active!

Magical Park is the world's first digital playground. When Magical Park is activated in your local park by your local government, you will find a FREE augmented reality game that you can play on your smartphone or iPad, filled with fairies, dinosaurs, robots, and creatures. Perfect for 6-11-year-olds, kids spend, on average, 45 minutes running, chasing, and discovering while playing educational games that make science, nature, and make-believe come alive! The thrill of learning meets the outdoors.

The app incorporates safety features, such as geofencing, to ensure families a secure and enjoyable experience. Vetted by over 140 cities worldwide, Magical Park has become a beloved addition to communities seeking to blend outdoor activity with digital fun— come be a part of the adventure!

Are you a local government interested in Magical Park?

Magical Parks are popping up worldwide! Play for FREE!

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How to Find Magical Park

Magical Park is an augmented reality game that you can play for FREE in your local park! Find a Magical Park near you. Once you have located and activated Magical Park, download the app over Wi-Fi and visit the park to play!

Can't Find a Magical Park?

No problem. Contact us, and we can approach your city’s parks & recreation department to suggest that they obtain a Magical Park for your community.

Does Your City Want to Activate a Park?

If you are a member of your local government, you can purchase Magical Park to provide your community with an innovative play experience. This initiative allows everyone to enjoy Magical Park, promoting outdoor activity for kids while bringing the community together. Magical Park also offers a cost-effective alternative to expensive playground equipment, especially for towns with smaller budgets. Children aged 6 and up often lose interest in traditional play structures, making Magical Park the perfect solution. Additionally, it serves as an excellent tool to attract people to community events, generating significant excitement and interest. Get those tech savvy kids off the couch!

Get a Magical Park set up for your commnunity!

Download Magical Park App Store
Get Magical Park on Google Play

Download the Magical Park App

Visit the Playstore or Appstore to download.

Getting started with the game Magical Park

Find an Active Magical Park

Use the in-game map or our find a park section on our website to locate your nearest Magical Park.

Playing Magical Park

Visit Your local Magical Park

Choose from over 15+ game worlds, featuring dinosaurs, fairies, robots, and more!

Easy as 1,2,3!

How to Play Magical Park

Magical Park is the World's First Digital Playground. You can now play Magical Park in Australia, New Zealand, Germany & USA. There could be one near you!

Request a Magical Park Demo

Fancy a Demo?

Talk to us about a free trial and experience the fun first-hand. 

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Magical Park Mini Games

Magical Park for Special Occasions



Magical Park has bluetooth compatibility for linking hearing devices. We’ve also built an interface into a selection of games that makes it easier for vision-impaired players to participate.

Easy Mode

All of our Magical Park games can be played in ‘easy mode’. This removes the time limits imposed on the player to complete the game, which means that players of all abilities can enjoy Magical Park. 

Audio Rich

By using authentic 3D spatial animal sounds, a number of our games provide an engaging and rewarding experience for vision-impaired players.

Voice Over

A number of our games feature a Voice Over to help players who aren’t confident readers or younger participants and need help understanding the instructions. 

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Why Magical Park?


Games include facts about nature and missions that teach kids about the environment. It's fun while learning.

Vetted by 140+ Cities

​Magical park is taking the world by storm. Children adore Magical Park. It ignites imaginations and sparks curiousity.

Free and Ad Free

Magical Park provides uninterrupted fun and learning for kids. Parents can feel reassured with no hidden costs or ads.

Gets Kids Active

Kids spend on average 45 minutes running around. Magical Park is the ultimate way to get kids of the couch to the park!

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What We Offer

  • Magical Park is purchased through a city subscription model. If you are a city looking for a Magical Park, you have complete flexibility over its operating duration. Whether you need the experience to run for two weeks over the school holidays or you’d like Magical Park to be an all-year attraction, we can make it happen. We can even move the park every few months across your city so every neighbourhood gets a turn. Whatever your budget, we’re sure we can bring some magic to your space.

  • Geo AR Games will help promote Magical Park to your community by providing a range of marketing materials. We will also work with you to create a simple marketing strategy and the best way to advertise Magical Park in your area and make it a success.

  • We don't allow data mining, in-game purchases, or advertising. We aim to offer a simple, secure, and engaging experience for everyone. 

  • The safety of our augmented reality games is a top priority. Our team carefully selects the parks to ensure a safe environment for all players. Each game includes a clear warning message emphasising the importance of parental supervision. Additionally, if players wander out of the designated playing field, a stop sign appears and directs them back to the game, ensuring they stay within the safe boundaries.

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